Look at them. Look at their beauty. Look at their perfect collegiate styling. Look at how perfect they are for a sophomore in college who loves vintage styling and only owns three pairs of shoes (beat up flats, beat up Converse, and beat up boots) other than rain boots and doesn't have the money to spend on a pair of over $100 shoes but desperately wants a pair of American Duchess shoes because she literally drools on her keyboard every time they're released.
That may have gotten a little specific towards the end. :)
The wonderful Lauren is giving away a pair here, but if you aren't in a similar situation to the aforementioned college sophomore, please, please support her and her wonderfulness and buy a pair of her absolutely lovely shoes (I always use up all the synonyms for beautiful in posts about her shoes). They're up for pre-order here. Or they will be.
Main point: I'm in love with another pair of shoes. So, so in love.
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